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ERT World Live Stream from Greece

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Name ERT World
Category General News
Country Greece

ERT World logoERT World is the official state television channel of Greece. The channel started its television career in 1966. On June 11, 2013, due to the economic crisis, the broadcasts of my channel were suspended for a certain period of time, and continued public broadcasts under the name NERIT for a while. The channel resumed broadcasting on 11 June 2015 with the decision taken by the Greek Government.

The canal has five canals under its own name and is headquartered in Athens. If you are curious about the Greek government and Greek culture, you should definitely watch this channel. You can easily access the channel on our website whenever you want. What language does the channel broadcast in? The channel broadcasts in Greek. What is the image format of the channel? The picture format of the channel is 4:3 and 16:9.


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