The 1977 classic action comedy film "Smokey and the Bandit " is being adapted for television. Universal Studio Group, and the Fuzzy Door of Seth MacFarlane are co-operating to develop a series based on the Burt Reynolds movie. The series is being written by "Pineapple Express" director David Gordon Green and regular co...
Netflix continues its post-The Witcher video game adaptations.
It was announced that the live-action series" Assassin's Creed " is currently in development on Netflix. The series is part of an agreement between Netflix and Ubisoft, related to content development. The deal includes live-action, animation and anime se...
Modern Love, which welcomes many stars from Hollywood, met its audience via Amazon Prime on October 2019. Highly acclaimed by critics and viewers, the series has been considered similar to This Is Us, which has left its audience in tears. Modern Love, which is quite vocal on Twitter, tells a different story in each epi...
There's great news for Breaking Bad fans and thus Better Call Saul fans: Hank Schrader is returning to the screens on duty again! Fans have been waiting for this to happen for five seasons, and we see the DEA agent sailing to Better Call Saul.
Dean Norris is set to reprise his beloved Breaking Bad role and that wil...