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VOA Live English

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Name Voice of America
Category News English
Country USA

voa logoVoice of America (VOA) is a U.S.-funded international broadcaster and state-owned news network. It is the oldest and largest U.S.-funded international broadcaster. It has a primary target audience that is not American.

VOA live was founded in 1942. President Gerald Ford signed the VOA charter into law in 1976.

VOA's headquarters is in Washington, D.C., overseen by the U.S. Agency for Global Media, a separate agency of the U.S. government. The budget for consulates and embassies allocates funds annually. VOA currently has a worldwide audience of around 326 million viewers and 961 employees with a budget of $252 million annually.

Some foreign listeners see Voice of America as having a positive effect, but others view it as propaganda and a mouthpiece of the US government.


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