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IRIB Shabake 1 Live (Iran)

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Name IRIB Shabake 1
Category General
Country Iran

shabake 1IRIB Shabake 1 (Farsi: شبکه ی) is one of the 16 national television channels in Iran. Channel 1 was the first national television channel in Iran, and is now the oldest channel on Iranian television having been established in 1966. The channel is mentioned by some as the National Channel, as most of the IRIB television budget is reserved for this channel.

The channel has a wide range of programming, such as children's shows, plays, Iran's most important movies, and talk shows. The channel also has the most-watched Iranian news broadcast, and televises Friday prayers. Channel 1 also televises the main sports events up to Channel 3 (Iran) reaching the rights of those broadcasts, as well as a large number of viewers.


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